Data Scientist

144 Job Postings

2024-02-28 - 2025-02-28
Responsibility Job Growth Skills Requirement Skills Distribution Statistics


The common responsibilities for this position include conducting data mining from big data sources, developing and validating predictive models, analyzing complex datasets using statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms, and translating business questions into quantitative problems. The role involves collaborating with stakeholders to build data science solutions, providing advanced analytics support, monitoring data science product performance, and communicating findings to stakeholders. Additionally, the Data Scientist will design and implement machine learning models, create data visualizations and automated reporting solutions, and support the development of data-driven decision-making processes. Other responsibilities include fostering a data-driven culture, driving knowledge sharing, and ensuring data quality and integrity through effective data management practices.

Job Growth


Skills Requirement

The percentages next to each skill reflect the sector’s demands in these respective skills. E.g., 30% means this skill has been listed in 30% of all the job postings in this sector.


Skills Distribution

The skills distribution tells you what specific skill sets are in demand. E.g., Skills with a distribution of “More than 50%” means that these skills are wanted in more than 50% of the job postings.

PythonMachine Learning
CommunicationFinancial KnowledgeData Analytics
SQLRAnalytical SkillsAmazon Web ServicesVisualization
EnglishMachine Learning LibariesPower BIProblem-solvingSparkOther Programming LanguagesAzureChineseLinuxJavaJavaScriptTableauDeep LearningNode.jsNatural Language ProcessingCEconometricsHadoop


Job classifications that have advertised a position


Academic degree required as indicated by all job postings


Job subclassifications that have advertised a position
